Saturday, December 21, 2019

Ving Tsun - the martial art thats improving our teams productivity

Ving Tsun - the martial art thats improving ur teams productivityVing Tsun - the martial art thats improving our teams productivityTan Sao, Chan Sao, Pak Cao, Fak Sao, Bong Sao, repeat. unterstellung words might sound strange to you if you havent heard of Ving Tsun yet. They are the names of the blocks and manouvres this martial art is based on. And its been helping our team become more balanced and focused. Yes, Ving Tsun classes are one of many perks we get at . ??Ving Tsun does not only serve as a self-defense technique. The idea behind it is much deeper and it can help in different areas of life. It teaches one to live a healthier and more balanced life. To live in harmony with nature. Most importantly, it improves flexibility and concentration. It has given me valuable lessons that are aligned with s values and strategy. And Ill tell you more about it.What exactly is Ving Tsun?Ving Tsun welches developed in China in the 17th century by a group of Shaolin monks who faced great pr essure and ultimate destruction to their temples because of a new ruler. The best-known story of Ving Tsun is the one of the Buddhist Nun, Ng Mui, who welches one of the survivors of the destruction. She created a form of self-defense which could transcend size, weight, and gender.Her inspiration for Ving Tsun came from observing animals, primarily the crane. This helped her develop delicate but natural movements which require little force to block and strike effectively and efficiently at the same time.Read more on the history of Ving Tsun here. 5 principles of Ving Tsun that we apply into our workDuring our classes, we learn self-defence techniques. Also, how to get the job done in the simplest way, with the least amount of energy and a maximum result.The following 5 principles Ving Tsun is based on are not only effective in a fight. They also represent our work efforts at .1. The power of a punchAlthough at first glance its a physical training, we train our minds, too. No, not th e kind that enables one to bend metal spoons with a glimpse of an eye Its the kind that develops our focus and motivates us to be present in the moment. The power of a punch doesnt mean you have to be strong. (ur designer is around 100lb, but she is one of the best) Its about the right technique and focus.We bring that into our work too. Ving Tsun has been helping us remain focused on each task. I stop thinking of what happened yesterday, what Im going to have for dinner tonight or how much work I need to get done within the next month. I stay in the moment and remove any distractions. I concentrate on finishing tasks with the right technique. So they have powerful outcomes.2. Readiness for fightDuring our Ving Tsun classes, we run through all types of situations one can be attacked. Then we train to be able to respond to any punches the opponent might throw at us. We also learn to control ourselves, to stay calm and act quickly but precisely.We translate this into real-life situati ons at . We stay alerted. Whatever happens in our industry, we make sure we are ready to fight back appropriately. No waiting around for the situation to solve itself.Related articlesChief Joy Officer A secret weapon of a successful businessHow to identify and embed your company culture to grow your businessBreakfast the most important meal of the week3. Keeping the balanceIn a Ving Tsun class, we dont only fight and throw punches in the air. We also practice Chinese Yoga, exercises that improve breathing and flexibility. Our trainer, Niki, mentions the importance of balance all the time. Whether its the balance in work and life, training or relationships.One of s values is keeping a work-life balance, too. We travel and go out together, we enable each team member to develop their top skills. Everyone can work remotely if needed. (I wrote this article from my favorite cafe ?? ) And much more.Read about all activities we do here.4. TimingWhen youre in a fight, the fact that youre st rong or experienced doesnt always bring the desired results. Often, it is the timing that sets you up for victory. our brain subconsciously prepares to react in a certain moment through Ving Tsun classes.At work, we make different efforts to improve our product and service but what matters the most is the right timing. Each new marketing campaign is well thought out and released at the perfect moment. All marketers know that the phrase I was at the right place, in the right time wasnt created for no reason.5. The correction of mistakesIn a quick fight, one mistake can be a breaking point. Hit the opponent in the wrong way and you find yourself on the floor, with a broken nose. But not with Ving Tsun While practicing, we learn that making mistakes is not a problem as long as youre quick enough. You can invert mistakes into a successful ending.Its the same with work. I do mistakes, almost on a daily basis. But it is important to stay calm, correct the mistake and move on. It takes a l ittle training to keep this in mind in everyday life, but its possible.What about you?Each member of our team enjoys Ving Tsun so much. What lessons have you learned through activities outside the office? How did you implement them in your job? Let me know in the comments below.

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