Tuesday, December 31, 2019

5 Tips to Help You Lose Your Negative Attitude at Work

5 Tips to Help You Lose Your Negative Attitude at Work5 Tips to Help You Lose Your Negative Attitude at WorkWhen you see a dicke bretter bohren mssen at work, do you complain to your coworkers or do you try to do something to fix it? If all you do is grumble and whine, nothing good will come of it. Workplace negativity is contagious. Complain to one coworker and he or she will, in turn, complain to another, and so on. Before long, one persons negative attitude will spread to five more and then 10 more, and so on. As the example above demonstrates, negativity has a way of spreading through a work environment as the fire spreads through a gasoline-doused haystack.Before long, all everyone will be doing is discussing the problems, and not only wont they be solving them, they wont be getting anything else done either. The result will be a loss of productivity. Why You Should Lose the Negative Attitude Its no wonder bosses dont like workers who whine incessantly. If you earn a reputat ion as a Negative Nelly, it may land you on your bosss least favorite employee list. So what can you do, instead, when you see things that arent the way you think they should be? Is it better to keep your mouth shut so you dont cause the spread of workplace negativity? Is it better to say something? A problem can only be resolved if someone brings attention to it but if you dont plan to be constructive, keep your thoughts to yourself. If you, however, would like to be, known as a problem solver instead of a complainer, speak up. If you do it the right way, you will make a positive change that could do a lot to improve your work environment. Rather than raising your bosss ire, you may instead be the recipient of his or her appreciation. Here are 5 things you can do that will help you lose the negative attitude and bring about change. 1. Dont Try to Fix What Isnt Broken We sometimes see problems where they dont exist. For example, you may not like how something is being done in yo ur workplace. You may think theres a better way to do it but that doesnt mean your assessment is correct. Before you say something, take a moment to think about it. Ask yourself if your way is really better or is it just a different way of doing something. 2. Take Your Complaint Through the Proper Channels If you complain to your coworkers, all you will do is spread negativity. And if youve been paying attention to this article, you know by now that is something you want to studiously avoid doing. Figure out who in your organization is the right person with whom to discuss your concerns. You want to pick someone who will be receptive to your ideas, but you must also make sure you dont go over anyones, for example, your bosss, head. 3. Only Give Constructive Criticism Anyone can complain. If you want to do more than that and really help affect change, you should have some ideas for how to solve the problems that are bothering you. Before you take your complaint to the right p erson, do your research so you can come up with possible solutions. Then use your critical thinking skillsto evaluate each one and decide which will bring you the best results. 4. Pitch In Get ready to get your hands dirty. If you point out a problem and present a list of possible solutions, get ready to help implement them. This will demonstrate to your boss that you have a stake in making improvements that will benefit the company. 5. Know When to Give Up What you think of as a serious issue, may be less of one to the person to whom you voice your concern. If the problem is simply something that annoys you, you may just have to give up or look for another job. There may not be anything you can do to change his or her mind. If the problem is one that is extremely serious, for example, it involves something illegal or unethicalor is clearly doing the company harm, you may have to escalate your complaint up the chain of command. Its a risky move and could harm your career, bu t you will have to ask yourself if you can live with yourself if you do nothing.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Game-Changing Multitasking Tips from People Who Work 80-Hour Weeks

Game-Changing Multitasking Tips from People Who Work 80-Hour WeeksGame-Changing Multitasking Tips from People Who Work 80-Hour Weeks Some people dread the idea of multitasking at work , or juggling more than one ball in the proverbial air. But others make multitasking at work look like an art form. So we spoke to several career superstars, many of whom are logging up to 80 hours a week at the office, to get their best tips on how to multitask at work - extra hours not required.Switching from a desktop computer to a laptop has been a game changer. I am able to take work with me wherever I go . Whether it is the back conference room sitting in on a staff meeting or at a coffee shop in between meetings, using a laptop allows me to remain connected and maximize my time so I can work on multiple things wherever I am. Plus, if I need to escape from the open office environment to really focus and tackle my to-do list, I am able to sneak off to a quiet spot. - Jamie Wat t Arnold, senior vice president, Profiles, Inc.Without my Outlook calendar or Google drive, I would be lost. You can use Outlook for more than just reminding you of deadlines or meetings - you can use it for reminding yourself when to start big projects or activities, so youre not working on a big strategy days before its due. I also use it to section chunks of my day to remind me to work on projects so that its on my calendar and alerts me ahead of time. - Eleana Collins, director of WarschawskiI deal with paper only once - as in, once a document is in my hand, I decide to either place it in my action needed file, or file it in my clients file or throw the document away. I dont allow clutter to accumulate. - Claire Hancock, partner at Hancock Injury AttorneysThere will be times when youre asked to provide the same information on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. You have to ask yourself, how can I automate this process ? Is there a way to get this done faster? Learning h ow to build spreadsheets and formulas in Excel will be a huge time saver. You can drop mass data into a spreadsheet and have it auto populate to view the numbers in an organized fashion. There are also programs you can research and find online that may make certain reports or information that you typically use easier to access or view. If you are always on the go, it may be smart to open a Dropbox account to have files with you at all times. - Octavio Vargas, business consultant at EBE ConsultingDont let your work get you down. When youre working long hours , it can seem like you are pushing the more important things away, like family commitments. However, if you try to keep a positive mindset, you will find that your work and your efficiency to do said work both improve. Just think about how all of the hard work you are putting in right now is going to help expand your career later. - Ryan Jones, web developer at Advanced IT ServicesI wake up every day at 430 a.m. After my morning routine , I arrive at work by 7 a.m.., which ensures that I have approximately two hours before the majority of my office clocks in. During those two hours, I tackle my most difficult tasks, which free up my afternoons to focus on value-added projects for my company. Start big and end small has proved to be my most efficient work habit. - Ryan Hutchins, senior analyst at Economics Partners, LLCOne of the keys to good multitasking is to get up once in a while and walk around - shake off the cobwebs, so to speak. Im a writer, and on a typical day Im working on up to three different ghostwritten books, two blogs, a couple of LinkedIn profiles, and other smaller projects. Its easy to get engrossed in the work - multitasking between this and that - and never take a break. So, I get up once per hour for 15 minutes and walk around the block, look at things, hum to myself, and then get back to it. This helps keep the back from aching and the mood from souring. - Richard Lowe Jr., writer and owner of The Writing KingSetting limits on how many tasks I am willing to multitask at once has also been helpful. Its fairly easy for me to just follow my nose - just like a dog - moving from one thing that catches my attention to the next until I have 15 windows open on my computer, the day has ended, and I have not finished one little task. By setting those limits - for example, do just two tasks at once - Im better able to complete. - Tamara G. Suttle , M.Ed., LPC, ACS

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Ving Tsun - the martial art thats improving our teams productivity

Ving Tsun - the martial art thats improving ur teams productivityVing Tsun - the martial art thats improving our teams productivityTan Sao, Chan Sao, Pak Cao, Fak Sao, Bong Sao, repeat. unterstellung words might sound strange to you if you havent heard of Ving Tsun yet. They are the names of the blocks and manouvres this martial art is based on. And its been helping our team become more balanced and focused. Yes, Ving Tsun classes are one of many perks we get at . ??Ving Tsun does not only serve as a self-defense technique. The idea behind it is much deeper and it can help in different areas of life. It teaches one to live a healthier and more balanced life. To live in harmony with nature. Most importantly, it improves flexibility and concentration. It has given me valuable lessons that are aligned with s values and strategy. And Ill tell you more about it.What exactly is Ving Tsun?Ving Tsun welches developed in China in the 17th century by a group of Shaolin monks who faced great pr essure and ultimate destruction to their temples because of a new ruler. The best-known story of Ving Tsun is the one of the Buddhist Nun, Ng Mui, who welches one of the survivors of the destruction. She created a form of self-defense which could transcend size, weight, and gender.Her inspiration for Ving Tsun came from observing animals, primarily the crane. This helped her develop delicate but natural movements which require little force to block and strike effectively and efficiently at the same time.Read more on the history of Ving Tsun here. 5 principles of Ving Tsun that we apply into our workDuring our classes, we learn self-defence techniques. Also, how to get the job done in the simplest way, with the least amount of energy and a maximum result.The following 5 principles Ving Tsun is based on are not only effective in a fight. They also represent our work efforts at .1. The power of a punchAlthough at first glance its a physical training, we train our minds, too. No, not th e kind that enables one to bend metal spoons with a glimpse of an eye Its the kind that develops our focus and motivates us to be present in the moment. The power of a punch doesnt mean you have to be strong. (ur designer is around 100lb, but she is one of the best) Its about the right technique and focus.We bring that into our work too. Ving Tsun has been helping us remain focused on each task. I stop thinking of what happened yesterday, what Im going to have for dinner tonight or how much work I need to get done within the next month. I stay in the moment and remove any distractions. I concentrate on finishing tasks with the right technique. So they have powerful outcomes.2. Readiness for fightDuring our Ving Tsun classes, we run through all types of situations one can be attacked. Then we train to be able to respond to any punches the opponent might throw at us. We also learn to control ourselves, to stay calm and act quickly but precisely.We translate this into real-life situati ons at . We stay alerted. Whatever happens in our industry, we make sure we are ready to fight back appropriately. No waiting around for the situation to solve itself.Related articlesChief Joy Officer A secret weapon of a successful businessHow to identify and embed your company culture to grow your businessBreakfast the most important meal of the week3. Keeping the balanceIn a Ving Tsun class, we dont only fight and throw punches in the air. We also practice Chinese Yoga, exercises that improve breathing and flexibility. Our trainer, Niki, mentions the importance of balance all the time. Whether its the balance in work and life, training or relationships.One of s values is keeping a work-life balance, too. We travel and go out together, we enable each team member to develop their top skills. Everyone can work remotely if needed. (I wrote this article from my favorite cafe ?? ) And much more.Read about all activities we do here.4. TimingWhen youre in a fight, the fact that youre st rong or experienced doesnt always bring the desired results. Often, it is the timing that sets you up for victory. our brain subconsciously prepares to react in a certain moment through Ving Tsun classes.At work, we make different efforts to improve our product and service but what matters the most is the right timing. Each new marketing campaign is well thought out and released at the perfect moment. All marketers know that the phrase I was at the right place, in the right time wasnt created for no reason.5. The correction of mistakesIn a quick fight, one mistake can be a breaking point. Hit the opponent in the wrong way and you find yourself on the floor, with a broken nose. But not with Ving Tsun While practicing, we learn that making mistakes is not a problem as long as youre quick enough. You can invert mistakes into a successful ending.Its the same with work. I do mistakes, almost on a daily basis. But it is important to stay calm, correct the mistake and move on. It takes a l ittle training to keep this in mind in everyday life, but its possible.What about you?Each member of our team enjoys Ving Tsun so much. What lessons have you learned through activities outside the office? How did you implement them in your job? Let me know in the comments below.

Monday, December 16, 2019

An Overview of Compensatory Time

An Overview of Compensatory TimeAn Overview of Compensatory TimeCompensatory time, referred to as comp time, is paid time off given to anon-exempt employeeinstead of overtime pay. Rather than paying employees time and a half in overtime pay, a company which has a comp time policy gives paid time off from work, for theequivalentamount of time to the extra hours worked. The laws surrounding compensatory time vary between exempt and non-exempt employees, federal and state law, and whether the employee is a public or private sector employee. Employees are considered either exempt or non-exempt employees based on their job duties and responsibilities. Review the following information on compensatory time, including who is eligible for comp time, comp time instead of overtime pay, and how many hours employees are eligible to receive. Compensatory Time vs. Overtime Pay In some cases, for federal employees, compensatory time may be given in lieu ofovertime pay. This paid time off may be approved for employees who are required to work extra hours under more flexible schedules.In addition, in certain prescribed conditions,employees of state or local government agencies such as law enforcement, fire protection, and emergency response personnelengaged in seasonal activities,may receive compensatory time off. Comp time must be paid at the same rate as overtime pay - one and one-half hours of compensatory time for each hour worked. Failure to compensate an employee with identical rates is a violation of the ritterlich Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Federal vs. State Law Whether comp time can be given in place of overtime pay depends on whether an employee is considerednon-exempt or exemptfrom overtime according to the Fair Labor Standards Act guidelines. Private sector non-exempt employees covered by the FLSA must be paid for all overtime hours worked and are leid eligible for comp time. Some states have laws regulating when and how compensatory time can be used, and al low employers to give employees comp time. Check with the State Department of Labor in your location for guidelines on what is applicable to your situation. Comp Time for Exempt Employees Under theFair Labor Standards Act(FLSA) regulations, private sector employers can only give comp time if the time off is used in the same pay period the overtime occurred. FLSA-exempt employees are required to use their compensatory time off after 26 pay periods, so it cannot be stored or rolled into the next year to be used at a later time. Comp Time for Non-Exempt Employees FLSA covered non-exempt employees working for private employers must be paid overtime pay, at one and a half times their usual rate of pay for any hours worked outside of the regular 40 hour work week. Giving non-exempt employees the option to take compensatory time or extra paid time off is a violation of federal law because non-exempt employees are legally required to be paid time and a half for any extra hours worke d. However, state laws may vary. Government Employees According to the Department of Labor, under certain prescribed conditions, employees of federal, state or local government agencies may receive compensatory time off, at a rate of not less than one and one-half hours for each overtime hour worked, instead of cash overtime pay. Law enforcement, fire protection, and emergency response personnel and employees engaged in seasonal activities may accrue up to 480 hours of comp time all other state and local government employees may accrue up to 240 hours. An employee must be permitted to use compensatory time on the date requested unless doing so would unduly disrupt the operations of the agency. What if Your Employer is in Violation of the Law? A survey of 500 employers commissioned by TSheets revealed that almost 30 percent of respondents used comp time sometimes or regularly with non-exempt employees. Many employers (18 percent of those surveyed) offered non-exempt employees a choice between comp time and overtime, anticipating that some employees may actually prefer paid time off to overtime pay. So, dont be surprised if your employer is in violation of the law. If you prefer overtime pay, the first step should be to consult with a contact in Human Resources to discuss the issue. It is possible that some organizations, particularly smaller employers, are unaware of the regulations. For clarification, you can contact the U.S. Department of Labors Wage and Hour Division (WHD) which is responsible for administering and enforcing worker protection laws. WHD is charged with ensuring that workers in this country are paid properly and for all the hours they work, regardless of immigration status. Also, check with your State Department of Labor for information on state law in your location. If you have questions or concerns, you can contact them at1-866-487-9243or visithttps//www.dol.gov/whd/. You will be directed to thenearest WHD officefor assistance. There are WHD offices throughout the country with trained professionals who can help you. The information contained in this article is not legal advice and is not a substitute for such advice. State and federal laws change frequently, and the information in this article may not reflect your own states laws or the most recent changes to the law.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Arise Virtual Solutions (Arise.com) Profile

Arise Virtual Solutions (Arise.com) ProfileArise Virtual Solutions (Arise.com) ProfileArise Virtual Solutions is a well known virtual call center company that is often mentioned in the media as a legit work-at-home opportunity. However, other call center jobs may be better money-making opportunities. To become an Arise agent, you must become a corporation. Arise then asks you to absorb business costs in the form of training and other ongoing fees. These fees are traditionally paid for by a company that hires for employment call center positions, even companies that hire independent contractors usually handle these initial costs. Investing in these costs upfront makes Arise a riskier business proposition. If you do decide to work for Arise, carefully review all its policies before paying anything. All About Arise Virtual Solutions Based in Miramar, FL, Arise Virtual Solutions has been around since 1999. It uses virtual call centers to outsource for its clients. The types of work i nclude technical support, sales, and customer tafelgeschirr. Arise requires its agents to become Virtual Service Corporations (VSC), which means agents must become incorporated in their home state and pay Arise for the training required to work for its clients. What is a Virtual Call Center? Most virtual (or home) call centers either hire people as independent contractors or as telecommuting employees. Either way, agents are usually expected to provide their home office equipment, and in a few cases, companies might ask workers to cover the one-time cost of a background and credit check (though this is not standard). However, most companies pay the cost of training (and, in fact, pay their agents while they are trained). And while many companies do require that agents are independent contractors (as opposed to employees), they are not usually required to become corporations, as Arise requires. How Arise Works Even finding out exactly how Arise works is afairly complicated pr ocess. Arises FAQ page only covers the basics. To become an Arise agent, you must pay to set up your corporation in your state. Then you must pay a fee for the initial training for Arise. This is in plus-rechnen to any cost you incur setting up adedicated phone line (separate from your home line) and Internet access. However, once you are established as an Arise Virtual Service Corporation you must pay for specific training for any clients for which you work. Arise then charges you, a monthly service fee. Here are the basic steps to getting started at Arise Apply online. You must be age 18.Take an online skills assessment. If you do not pass any part of the assessment, you must wait three months to apply again.If accepted, pay for a criminal background check.With a satisfactory background check, complete the Arise basic certification program, which carries a fee and takes 20 hours your time.Establish an incorporated entity. This means completing the processes for incorporation in yo ur state. Be aware many states charge annual fees and taxes to corporations that they do not charge to independent contractors. Sign contract with Arise.Set up a home office. Arises requirement is fairly typical of most home call center office requirements. Apply to enroll in client-specific certification, each of which carries a fee, and lasts from two days to several weeks.Complete the training begin working, assuming there are available positions. Costs of Working for Arise The initial outlay of time and money is large, and the ongoing costs are significant. There is no guarantee that you will get the hours you need to recoup those costs. At an absolute minimum, Arise call center agents must outlay several hundred dollars and more than 20 hours of time before making a dime. Like other virtual call centers, compensation is usually a fixed rate, which could be by the call, by the minute, or by the hour. This varies by client. On average, thats at least 14 hours of work before y ou break even (and thats not counting the 20 hours of time you put into your initial training). Plus theres the cost of office equipment or phone lines. If these were all one-time costs, it might be worthwhile if you worked for Arise for a longtime. But the fact is, the training fees and unpaid training time recur with each new client. Most companies pay their workers during training workers dont pay the company. Yes, people do pay for their educations, but an education will serve you your whole life. This training is for a specific client of Arise, so if you dont work for Arise, the training is useless. Taxes and fees associated with incorporating a business are annual in many states. And then Arise charges service fees for infrastructure. Arise positions its policy as creatingsmall business owners. And, of course, there is a risk in owning a business. But there are plenty of othervirtual call center companies(andother work at home jobs) that do not require upfront costs from their agents.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

What Is So Fascinating About Resume No Experience?

What Is So Fascinating About Resume No Experience? Details of Resume No Experience LinkedIn is the ideal place to look for interviews. Career Objectives are excellent for resumes with a parteicular purpose. Resumes give potential employers a means to learn about applicants quickly and readily, and theyre your very first step toward new job opportunities. Now you need to know how to compose a resume with no experience thats compelling and distinctive, ideal for a high school resume or a beginners resume for teens. Because most applications dont expect a scholarship resume, adding one is an excellent way for students to acquire an edge. Students with little if any work experience may also add a section discussing their involvements. It is possible to display your work history, but in addition fill in more space by talking about your abilities and other knowledge youve got. Read the work description like your life is dependent on it. The truly amazing part is that several of the things listed are easily improved upon with some work and time. It might be inviting to embellish your resume, and you will possibly get the job, but in the long run, it is going to come back to bite you once you cant deliver on your promises. The only thing you ought to understand is that your acting resume isnt an extension of you as an actor, its an extension of the part you need to play. However tempting it may be to stretch the truth, lying on your resume is always a poor idea. The most important thing is that you truly have much more experience than you might imagine you have. Spend the money to have it done right the very first time and save time and effort in handing out resumes that dont bring about bar interviews. To enkoranvers your resumes appearance is wholly fine, work with an entirely open mind. Resume No Experience Secrets That No One Else Knows About Getting familiar with a few of the fundamentals of marketing will allow you to stand out. Finding a job is all about marketing yourself. An interview could also be needed to land the job, but a resume is crucial to begin the practice. Now get out there and find that programming interview free of experience As a C.N.A. you have to know that the discipline of health care is a very competitive and challenging field of work. You ought to be open to any research experience, even if it isnt just what you need to do. Marc Grandmaison Operations Director Marc is a very experienced, skilled, and talented hospitality professional that has been in the business for over 20 decades. 1 Dozens of individuals are applying for the job that you desire. Youre just beginning. Odds are you will soon have to compose a new resume and receive a better job. Furthermore, the probabilities of getting job will also receive a boost. All About Resume No Experience Now you are all set to begin applying for jobs, but all the entry-level positions require three to five decades of experience. For an objec tive statement, concentrate on the particular job you need or an overall job type and highlight your qualifications. Ensure you have the majority of the acceptable qualifications before you apply to a work ad Qualifications and abilities on an entry level accounting resume may relate to certain skills connected with the trade, or else they might be personal characteristics and capabilities that produce the work candidate desirable for hire. What a resume does is it summarizes your experience, skills, and other details. Make sure that the skills are related to the job that you desire. Be certain that you show off as wide many different skills as youre able to. Naturally, required skills will change depending on the position for which youre applying, so make sure to look carefully at the work listing for a feeling of the most essential skills. Getting the Best Resume No Experience EasyJob has a resume format specifically created for those searching for the very first job. Whil e the functional resume format may be an attractive solution for job seekers with minimal experience, most employers would rather have a chronological or hybrid resume format. Your resume will stand out when you take some time to individualize each letter. Resume examples and templates are incredibly helpful, especially when youre writing one of your initial resumes.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Join the women of zynga

Join the Women Leaders of Zynga + PowerToFly in London on 10/10 Hi Friends, Heres a personal invite from Brinley Bruton, Customer Success Manager at PowerToFly. Shell be hosting our event with women tech leaders from NaturalMotion, BossAlien, Gram Games and Zynga on 10/10 in London. We want you to join us? This night of tech talks and networking is a fantastic opportunity to meet the women tech leaders and allies behind such games as CSR Racing 2 , Star Wars Commander, 1010, Merge Dragons, Dawn of Titans and many more.To register for this intimate event for skilled tech and gaming professionals, just CLICK HERE.CLICK HERE to read about and see photos from our recent event with Zynga in San Francisco.Were looking forward to meeting you. Cheers, The PowerToFly Team One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 million construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a caree r in construction.h21. Fuel Innovation/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent geschftlicher umgang strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the performance of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly c raft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in construction.br/pBut given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surv eyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Media Planning Resume Template 2018s Top Format

Media Planning Resume Template 2018s Top FormatMedia Planning Resume Template - 2018s Top FormatCreate ResumeAva Taylor100 Main Street, Cityplace, CA, 91019C (555) 322-7337example-emailexample.comWork HistoryOn Air Talent/Sales WEEB Media Advisor, 04/2010 to Current Clover Media Group WEEB Radio, Pinehurst, NortCurrently serving clients in an advisory role in public relations and media placement while generating positive publicity.Clients include musicians, golf resorts, cable networks.Extremely well versed in generating positive press for non-for profit organizations.Station Manager, 08/2005 to 06/2009Responsible for all H/R activities, budgets, promotions, public relations and station visibility.Sales Manager, 08/2002 to 03/2005 CBS Radio WSCR Sportsradio Chicago, IllinoisStation Manager, 06/2000 to 07/2003 ATT Cable Champaign, IllinoisResponsible for development of brand the production of local political programming.Staff writer and account executive, 10/1985 to 09/1996 N aperville Sun Newspaper Naperville, IllinoisGenerated sports stories and wrote Sunday columnsalso traktament newspaper corporate sponsorships.Senior Account Executive, Radio Bloomington Bloomington, IllinoisEducationMaster Dec 2013 Ashford University Kent State Eastern Illinois U Clinton, Iowa.B.A Public Relations,M.AAdditional InformationAdditional Skills *I have extensive experience in the hiring process. As general manager of a five station radio group, I was responsible for hiring account executives, on air talent, financial staff. Each year I was responsible for preparing corporate budgets and overseeing monthly quotas. I also excelled at developing team chemistry and a very positive work environment. My media experience has been utilized on both a local and national level. ** NCAA Baseball official * Graduate of ATT Professional Skills Program * Naperville Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors * Established homeless shelter in Morris, Illinois * Published book authorOh, your e one of those people * United Way campaigns in various locationsCustomize ResumeMore Marketing, Advertising, and PR ResumesEntry Level Media Planning Resume TemplatesProduct Marketing Resume Templates

Friday, November 22, 2019

Why Silicon Valley CEOs always think theyre the good guy

Why Silicon Valley CEOs always think theyre the good guyWhy Silicon Valley CEOs always think theyre the good guyA charismatic tech startup founder selling his product as a unicorn, or potential billion-dollar company. Male bossescrossing the lines with their female subordinates. Venture capitalists about to give millions in funding to a company on incomplete information. An intrepid jurnalist receiving a salacious tip about a founders misconduct.We could be discussing any number of Silicon Valley scandals in recent history, but in fact, thisis the fictional world of Startup, a newly released book written by BuzzFeed News journalist Doree Shafrir. The book is a so-real-it-hurts examination of the new Gilded Age of technology that we live in.If the book reads like a behind-the-scenes documentary of the tech startup industry - and it does - its because Shafrir interviewed around a dozenfounders and VCs off the record to get the hubris and charmin these founders just right.In Startup, this worldview manifests in regular-guy-turned-millionaire Mack McAllister, the CEO of a mindfulness appwho needs to close his next round of funding before his companyruns out of money. Despite these high geschftlicherbei umgang stakes, he cannot stop himself from contacting his former flame and current employee Isabel. When you believe youre making the world a better place, like McAllister does, anyoneyou want and anything in your way can be justified.I think that there are very few people who see themselves as bad actors, and that was something that I thought was important especially with Mack. He seems himself as a force for good. Genuinely, Shafrir said.On why startups keep getting themselves into troubleAlthough her book was written before Uber CEOs Travis Kalanicks ousting, the book is prescient about the career-ending, self-defeating impulsesbuilt into the DNA of both fictional and real tech CEOs.Shafrir wrote the book as sexual harassment allegations were coming to light in the startup industry. While Shafrir was writing her novel, Ellen Pao was taking her former employer to court on gender discrimination and retaliation claims and Whitney Wolfes screenshotted texts were being used in her sexual harassment lawsuit against Tinder.These lawsuits show a toxic pattern of workplace behavior that has keptrepeating itself into the present day.I think that you have this potent and sometimes-toxic combination of people with not a lot of experience and a lot of money and this idea that theyre kind of invincible combining. When peoples power goes unchecked, it can have disastrous consequences, Shafrir said. As we saw at Uber, Susan Fowler brought her allegations to HR and they didnt do anything about them. I think all of those things are potent at startups because startups are new, theyre growing so fast and these things are kind of afterthoughts.On how technology is changing the way we communicate at workThe biggest scandal in the novel happens over an intimate Snapchat message made public through a screenshot. Its a cautionary tale into howour modern workplace communications- those one-on-one messages and private group chats- can lullus into a false sense of security. As Shafrir noted, everything is on the record, everything is permanent, I think people forget that. Chat can feel informal, but its there, its saved, people can also screenshot it. Its not private.For better or worse, social media encourages professional and personal lines to blur so you can seeyour co-workersTwitter feeds and comment on their Instagram pages at work and at home.Most people I know do nothave private Twitter accounts, they combine personal and professional on social media in the same way that they do in real life. We know our co-workers much mora intimately than we did in the past, Shafrir said. Can you imagine Don Draper on Twitter? That was just not the way people engaged with their co-workers in the past. You left them at five o clock. Maybe once in a whil e you went to dinner with your partner and their partner, but it wasnt the same as it is now.On being the lone older employee in a sea of millennialsThe perks of startup culture are satirized by the employees who feel like outsiders in it. One of the books older protagonists, 36-year-old Sabrina Blum, feels alienated by younger co-workers at her startup asking her to go to pole dancing classes together.In a startup that demands more of her personal time and enforces her happiness, Blum makes biting critiques about the startup worldswork-play balance, comparing her workplaceto a Henry Ford company You were now supposed to feel like your work was your everything where you got your paycheck, yes, but also where you got fed and where you found your social circle. Everything had started bleeding into everything else.For some of the older characters in the book, this generational differencecauses them to actsnobby towards their younger peers.Shafrirs advice for real-life older employees a t startups is to choose open-mindedness over judgment I work in an office where Im probably tenyears older than a lot of myco-workers. I feel like I learn from them and I try not to place a value judgment on their experiences ortheir world views, and I think its important to keep that in mind, and to be open-minded. But its hard. I think those of us who came ofage in an era where people in their twenties were assistants or where theres a very specific path- especially in media- it can be confusing.On the future of startupsStartup documents the pressure points in an industry that has yet to wake up to the lived realities of the most vulnerable people in it. Its a time capsule of a world where executive power goesunchecked, too often at the expense of women. Will the bookstill feelrelevant ten years down the line?When asked, Shafrir said, I obviously think a lot of the technology will change and evolve. My utopian vision is that people will pick this up and be like, oh yeah, remember when sexual harassment was such a big deal in tech? because weve moved past it and weve figured it out. That would be my dream. If not, I hope that people pick it up and are like, this is a good representation of what it was like in 2016-2017 in New York City tech.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Why every CEO can benefit from teaching their team how to negotiate

Why every CEO can benefit from teaching their gruppe how to negotiateWhy every CEO can benefit from teaching their team how to negotiateMy team negotiates absolutely everything- no exceptions.Our company rule is that you never say yes to the first offer put on the table, and you always have to get at least three to five quotes.Realistically, this is all negotiation 101, but many people simply arent used to the practice. For instance, people in production know to negotiate for a better price with manufacturers. Yet some creative departments might not be as focused on getting a better deal when working with an agency.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraThats why every company needs to create rules around negotiation and give people a roadmap for what to do.Negotiating isnt an incredibly difficult skill to learn- it just requires practice. And you should want everyone on your team to g et better at it because it can have huge implications for your business.Heres why you cant skip on negotiating tactics and expect your company to succeedYour team has to bring in more money than the company spends.This seems pretty obvious, I know. But being profitable sets the stage for everything your team does.There are certain aspects of the business that everyone is thinking about, like top-of-the-funnel tactics for spreading brand awareness and bringing in customers. Thats all well and good, but its not the only part of your finances that will determine success.You and your team have to keep all expenses in mind- payroll, overhead, vendors- and how much youre actually paying for them. No, these arent the sexy, exciting things to consider, but theyre essential for good business management.Thats why its crucial everyone has their negotiation hat on at all times, thinking about, How much am I spending on this? Does it make sense? Would I spend this if it was coming from my own ba nk account?Its very easy for spending to spiral out of control if everyone isnt thinking that way.People will agree with your teams requests if they have the courage to ask.Its amazing what you can get just by asking. The problem is, people are often afraid to ask. But the worst thing that can happen is someone will tell you no.If you ask in a nice way and explain why you want what youre asking for, people will work with your company more often than not. The trick is to make sure your request doesnt come off as arbitrary.For example, in the early days ofThirdLove, I was constantly telling vendors or agencies, Were a ten-person startup, we dont have that kind of money. What kind of break can you give us?It was amazing what companies were willing to do for us.Getting over the fear of negotiation requires practice, which is why you have to encourage your team to role play or walk through negotiation with a teammate. After a while, it becomes second nature, and no one thinks twice about asking for an updated offer.Your team understands your business better than any vendor.Just because someone hands you a contract doesnt mean they understand your business and whats best for you in the long run.For instance, my team recently negotiated with a photographer over some of the photos from a shoot. Usually, a company only gains access to 20 or so photos. For a traditional retail company, thats plenty. But as a completely erreichbar company, we use images in everything we do. Emails, product pages, social, you name it- we need a lot of content.Instead of demanding the images, we told the photographer why we needed the images and then asked if they could work out a different agreement for us. Since we went the distance to explain our reasoning, they agreed.Your team knows your business better than any outside partners, so they should use that to explain and negotiate the best possible terms.You want to set the right kinds of expectations with vendors.Being crystal clear in negotiations and taking time to edit every contract is more than just common sense- it shows the vendor your team cares and your company will be a good partner.You want everyone to know what the relationship will be like, and that starts with setting the right expectations. That means being very clear on the outputs, reading the contract thoroughly, and understanding what youre signing.All that attention to detail sets the stage, ensuring the other side knows youre paying attention to whats going on. While it may take some back-and-forth, theres value in making sure both sides are happy before anything is finalized.Negotiating is difficult for everyone at first, but its actually a bit like exercising. Taking the first step is the daunting part. Once you get started, you realize its not that difficult to keep going when you know the work will pay off.This article first appeared on Inc.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your s ocial class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people