Monday, May 25, 2020

Communication Techniques That Sell - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Communication Techniques That Sell - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Are you attracting interest? Two entrepreneurs were helping one another. Jane suggested to Jill she use the following opening line in regard to encountering gatekeepers: “I believe you can help me.” This would be used in to get the name of the CEO of the respective company. But I taken exception with that phrase. This sounds almost like a demand in that the help is expected. The person uttering the words would not have an idea if the receptionist is under pressure to get a project out the door or if an emergency just arose. Should this be the case, the sentence is disrespectful. To get started on a better footing when you walk cold into a lobby or call cold on the phone to make such an inquiry, it is far better to ask, “I was wondering if you can help me?” This approach allows for exceptions and shows due respect. The end result is the other person will be far more inclined to ask what this is in regard to and will then try to assist. Approaching others through all mediums in the same manner will set you apart from the rest. Balancing the give and take will produce many more connections and good ones at that. For instance, do you post useable content for free on the social media sites? Many people think this is folly but the following scenario took place yesterday and is typical in today’s environment: Rick messaged John that his article on Facebook was perfectly timed because he was having difficulty in that area. John offered to coach Rick over the phone at no charge for 30 minutes to provide a few extra pointers. The end result was, Rick agreed to further services and also mentioned he knew of others that needed the same and would make the introductions. A cautionary note is to make certain you are accommodating within agreeable limits and that others are not taking advantage without reciprocity. Social media makes it easy to see what others respond to so that you may develop additional related products and services. People who are interested in your area of expertise will find you and ask to connect. Finding you helpful will further build your followings due to testimonials, positive commentary and referrals. And when you meet prospects for the first time, ask what caught their attention. By beginning the process from the other person’s point of view, a better-grounded conversation and relationship begin to be established. This encourages sharing of details that might not otherwise be shared. In the end, you know precisely what the other person needs and possibly extras they will benefit from. Equally important is you will know how to position your offerings to their interests. Moving within well-defined boundaries while assisting others along with graciously receiving help will attract much interest. When your personal brand includes professionalism business grows well. The end result is you will encourage larger sales, repeat business, referrals and testimonials â€" all of which will put you on the wave of the Smooth Sale! Author: Elinor Stutz, CEO of Smooth Sale, (800) 704-1499; was designated as a “Top 25 Sales Influencer for 2012.” Elinor authored the International Best-Selling book, “Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results”, Sourcebooks and best selling, “HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews”, Career Press.

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