Monday, May 18, 2020

How to Finally Choose Your Life with 3 Simple Questions

How to Finally Choose Your Life with 3 Simple Questions Have you come to a point where you know something has to change in your life? You don’t know what exactly it is, but it has to change, now. Perhaps you no longer like, or maybe have never liked, what you are doing, and it is high time to remedy this situation.  You are in professional reconversion, more or less chosen, and you don’t know what to do now. Your life is such a mess that you don’t know what to do. You have done everything right so far. Up until this point, you have done what others expected of you â€" everything a good mother, a good wife, a good daughter, a good colleague, a good manager, a good husband, a good father, a good son was supposed to do. Now the time has come to think of yourself, to do things for you, to put yourself in the forefront of your life. If you recognize yourself in one of these situations, then this article may help you to open up perspectives you did not think were possible. Here are just three questions to help you choose your life: Are you really ready to change something in your life? And not only your bedroom wall color? Although, sometimes a simple change like wall color can be the trigger for a lot of other changes as a result! Be willing to commit to yourself and to the change you are seeking. So far, what was your percentage commitment to your life? Did you know that in general, we are committed to 20% maximum for our life? We are more committed to external causes or to the people who matter the most to us. And we put ourselves in last position. Is it time to do the latter? Even though it may cost you whatever it takes â€" will you commit to your life now and do all that is necessary to achieve your goal? Whats wrong with your life? Which domain does not suit you anymore? Pro, personal, social, family? This is a good time to take a step back from your life and your way of life. If you have the courage (and it is necessary) to look at it as objectively as possible, you will be able to analyze your situation and see what does not fit you anymore. If its your job, look at whats bothering you the most. For example, working with a team or not, company values ??that no longer match yours, work in itself, too much or not enough responsibility, Go to review every area of ??your life and ask yourself what works for you or not. It can also come from a recent change that you didn’t anticipate and that shakes up your habits. For example, when children have grown up and leave the house, this can have repercussions for you, even if this is the time you have been waiting for years! Empty nest syndrome affects both men and women and you must accept this change. A reorganization of daily life is often necessary. This is also the case when going into retirement. Its a big change that requires preparation and adaptation. As a couple, this is a tricky period because everyone must relearn to live according to each other and share the house 24/7. What do you like to do? What is this thing you do with so much pleasure and ease that you believe that is the case for everyone else as well? If you look closely, you probably arouse the admiration of those around you with this ability. Even if you haven’t recognized it yet. Do not limit yourself. It can be cooking, tinkering, creating decorative objects, driving, writing, singing No matter what it is, you can be proud of this ability. Now, what would it take for you to get some money with it? What would it need to adapt, create, or modify to make this activity you love so much a new source of income in your life? You might even be able to start a business with this idea and start having a different life doing what works for you. The other day, I was talking to a woman who was asking for change in her life and I asked her what she liked doing, which was easy for her. She loved creating paper flowers, lamps of all kinds and interior design. In discussing, she considered presenting her creations on Christmas markets in order to start to be known and sell the objects she had already created. This is surely the beginning of a great experience for this person who has been doing secretarial work for years. And nothing prevents her from cumulating these two activities. You do not have to leave your current job. You can simply add something to your life to transform it deeply. Choose Your Life! Whatever the starting situation is, take a step back and then look at what you would like to change. Even if its not very pleasant, be honest with yourself and choose for yourself first. In all egoism? No, the idea here is that by doing things for yourself, you become an invitation for others to change. How does it get even better? This guest post was authored by Laurence Favier Laurence  Favier  is a  Joy of Business Pioneer  and highly experienced corporate executive. After more than 30 years in senior IT roles, particularly in project management and operations,  Laurence  made a conscious decision to adopt a more fulfilling and nurturing approach to work and impending retirement. After discovering Access Consciousnessâ„¢,  Laurence  began to integrate these quick and effective tools into her own life, and to teach them to others. Her knowledge of the corporate world is an asset to her clients â€" as she offers relevant and effective training for businesses and business leaders, as well as valuable insights for the wellbeing of employees. She provides trainings, conferences, workshops and one-on-one sessions.

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